Sunderland Safeguarding Children Partnership

Resources for Practice Leads

Group Supervision Processes 

The Signs of Safety group supervision process is designed for groups of 4 to 10 people. It
revolves around a worker who brings forward a child, young person or important adult they are working with. (Sometimes, of course, there is a number of people bringing forward the case). The facilitator leads the group process, assisted by an advisor. Other group members are involved as observers/participants. The roles of each are described in the following diagram:

The entire group, but in particular the facilitator and advisor, must focus on the process and not get caught up or over-organized about the content and detail of the case. This process is all about growing the capacity for the team to create together a fast process for working through, and getting direction in a case. 

Harm Matrix  Three Houses Safety/Wellbeing Planning  Mapping/Three Columns 
Appreciative Inquiry Words and Pictures

Website by: Taylorfitch