Managing the impact of disclosures on your wellbeing

Claire Sullivan, Therapist, Trainer and Supervisor from TRUST (Therapeutic Relationships Used to Support Trauma), will be delivering a session exploring how professionals can manage the impact of safeguarding disclosures on their own wellbeing.

It is natural to feel worried and overwhelmed if a child tells you they are being harmed. You will want to receive the information in a way that helps the child say what they want to say. You will want to reassure the child without over promising, you will want to react appropriately and proportionately and record your notes accurately and timely. All whilst remaining calm and measured. You have a duty of care and responsibility to the child but also to yourself and how you take care of yourself afterwards needs to be an integral part of your safeguarding process.

This course will enable you to:

Understand your stress thresholds.

Know when you might need support with self-care.

Know what helps you maintain healthy work/life boundaries.

Create a well-being checklist.

There are currently no dates for this event.